Monthly Archives: May 2015

Auto-mount center

Auto-mount center allows you to add dynamic network connections to external resources. It should be used to help artica exporting data to an FTP, WebDav, NFS, CIFS remote resource. Auto-mount center can be retrieved in the System/File Sharing section. Example: Add an FTP connection. Click on the Add icon inside […]

23-05-2015 02-59-02

20-05-2015 00-00-25

How to debug proxy.pac with Google Chrome ?

To debug proxy.pac with chrome on the url address bar, type chrome://net-internals/#proxy Click on the button Reapply settings. You will see on the top the number events, click on this section You will be redirected to the events viewer. Find entries “PROXY_SCRIPT_DECIDER” and enable check bow on events in order […]

Unable to get data from bigData engine

If you encounter this error, this means you have upgraded the bigData engine from 0.8x to 0.9x To make it run do these steps: On the top menu, click on Statistics button. Select Statistics engine icon.   Make sure your using the 0.9rc30 version or above . Click on the […]

18-05-2015 17-41-42

16-05-2015 13-58-39

Create a dedicated account for Web proxy statistics

With Artica you can restrict access to some features using Accounts. In this article, we demonstrate how to create a dedicated account restricted to statistics features using the Artica local database Click on “Members” on the top menu. Select administrators icon.   On the table, click on Groups button. Click […]

Did my proxy cache something ?

Artica provides statistics about content cached by your proxy. These statistics are available trough the dashboard On the dashboard, click on your cache rate. A new web page is displayed and shows you 2 graphs The first graph display each 30 minutes for the current day what are the size […]

14-05-2015 23-01-39

09-05-2015 00-52-52

How to explore data in the BigData/InfluxDB engine ?

Artica daemons write relatime data in an influxDB database. This is the main difference between the 1.9x version and 2.x artica versions. You can query yourself this database in order to see data. By default the query interface listens the 8083 port. Point your browser to https://YourArticaServer:8083 Click on Connect […]

Can Artica Proxy can cache HTTPS/SSL websites ?

can Artica is able cache https:// like videos for facebook and mp3 websites and videos https:// By default all SSL websites cannot be cached. SSL is like a “TUNNEL” and everything pass trough this tunnel is encrypted. It is possible to cache SSL Websites To cache SSL websites you […]