How to explore data in the BigData/InfluxDB engine ?

Artica daemons write relatime data in an influxDB database.

This is the main difference between the 1.9x version and 2.x artica versions.

You can query yourself this database in order to see data.

By default the query interface listens the 8083 port.

  • Point your browser to https://YourArticaServer:8083
  • Click on Connect button

14-05-2015 16-32-23
Artica create a database as the UUID of your server, click on explore data link

14-05-2015 16-34-14


  •  You will be redirected to a new form that allows you to query database like an SQL language.
  • To display series, or “tables” used by Artica to display statistics, send the command:

14-05-2015 16-40-07

  • The main table used to provide statistics proxy is called access_log the query:
SELECT * FROM access_log WHERE time >'2015-05-14 14:00:00' LIMIT 100
  • Will display first 100 rows inside the access_log table where the time is up to 14h00 ( UTC Time)

09-05-2015 00-52-52




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