Yearly Archives: 2016

Multi-Wan with Artica Proxy

Multi-Wan allows you to forward request to different Internet connections using several routers. In our example, the proxy using 2 network Interface, each Network interface is linked to discuss with a specific router that using it’s own Internet connection. To use this approach, you need to use the “Routing rules” […]

07-03-2016 00-17-14

06-03-2016 18-20-28

Monitor your Artica server with Sealion service.

Artica v2.38 or above is able to help you connecting your Artica server to the Sealion cloud service. This service allows you to monitor your server trough an Internet Web interface. First you need to register on the SeaLion web site. Get the uuid trough the SeaLion web site, the […]

Monitor bandwidth/connections for all protocols

On the Artica Appliance, you can add a monitor service that able to check all connections passed trough the Appliance. This to ensure that some protocols passed trough the appliance did not consume bandwidth because Artica monitor only the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. On the System top menu, choose “Connections tracking” link. […]

22-02-2016 11-55-52