
Use a GoDaddy certificate ( for reverse-proxy )

To obtain a GoDaddy  certificate you need to generate the Certifcate request with the Certificate center Click on Your system on the top menu. Select Certificate Center item. Click on Certificate CSR tab. The most important field is the Common Name, it should be a full domain if you purchase […]

01-11-2015 00-52-38

01-11-2015 00-23-48

How to connect Artica to Luminati service ?

The Luminati service ( https://luminati.io ) is a business proxy network service. To use the luminati service, you have to fix the proxy hostname with the port and the authentification as Parent proxy. On the TOP Menu, select “Your Proxy“ Choose “Parent Proxy” link. On the status section, turn to […]

Set your WebCopy schedules

After saving your WebCopy rules you have to define your schedule in order to refresh your websites. Select the Schedules button. On the schedules table, click on “New Schedule button“ Click on “Set the Schedule” in order to define the day, hour and minute to execute the replication task. Click […]

30-10-2015 23-11-26

29-10-2015 00-24-09

Create a WebCopy Website

Click on Your Proxy on the top menu Click on the WebCopy link   Click on “New website” button WebSite: Define here the Uri to the main website. Directory: Where to save static web pages Max transfer rate: Limit the bandwidth engine in KB/s Max size of a file: Ban […]

What is WebCopy ?

WebCopy is a feature that is able to mirror a Web site in static pages format. This is a strong feature if you want to backup, duplicate, cache, index some Internet Web sites. With the proxy and the Web filtering engine, all requests to the source Web site will be […]


27-10-2015 00-04-59

Authenticate HotSpot users trough Active Directory

To authenticate users trough Active Directory, you have to define an HotSpot rule. You can add several Active Directory servers in order to verify guest credentials After creating your rule, click on it Select Active Directory tab. Click on New connection. Add the IP/host of your Active Directory server ( […]

Replace ../../ to avoid corrupted sites

Sometimes webmaster use the back way “../../” to loading CSS. With the reverse proxy, these methods should corrupt the web page. The replace rules feature allows you to fix this issue. Choose your Website on your reverse sites. Choose replace rules tab. Click on New rule button. Give your Rule […]

26-10-2015 14-07-56


Reverse Proxy for Microsoft Exchange server

The 2.25.102301 Artica version or above allows you to protect your Microsoft Exchange server 2010/2013 trough the Reverse-Proxy service. On the Artica Reverse Proxy. On the Reverse-Proxy section and Web sites, click on New server Turn to green the Microsoft Windows Exchange option. Define the public host-name of your reverse […]

Optimize your system

The new Artica v2x have a new feature that allows you to optimize the system. This feature is designed to tune the system when running on a Virtual machine such as VMWare, HyperV, XenServer or when using SSD hard drives. On the top menu, click on System Choose the system […]

22-10-2015 14-29-53

21-10-2015 17-07-25

Microsoft Windows Updates Cache Enforcement

With Artica v2.25.102113 or above, a new feature called Microsoft Windows Update Enforcement allows you to fully cache Windows Updates. How it works ? This feature is able to allow the proxy to download itself requested Windows updates in order to server files locally. Benefits. Since Windows 7, updates are […]