

List processes trough the console

If an high load is suspected you can get the list of current processes that running on the system. On the Unix console, choose “Processes” menu and type Enter Key You will see a screen that display CPU, memory  utilization. type F6 key On the left part, choose CPU% in […]

Update manually hardware inventory

Artica scan the hardware only each 3 days, since most of servers are now installed on a virtualization system, administrators are able to change the hardware periodically. To force Artica to scan the memory, CPUs, disks, click on the TOP menu on System. Select System optimization. Click on “Refresh System […]


06-03-2016 18-20-28

Monitor your Artica server with Sealion service.

Artica v2.38 or above is able to help you connecting your Artica server to the Sealion cloud service. This service allows you to monitor your server trough an Internet Web interface. First you need to register on the SeaLion web site. Get the uuid trough the SeaLion web site, the […]

Monitor bandwidth/connections for all protocols

On the Artica Appliance, you can add a monitor service that able to check all connections passed trough the Appliance. This to ensure that some protocols passed trough the appliance did not consume bandwidth because Artica monitor only the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. On the System top menu, choose “Connections tracking” link. […]

22-02-2016 11-55-52

Create a DNS server Using PowerDNS

Artica is able to manage the PowerDNS software. This DNS service is not installed by default. Install the PowerDNS package On the Top menu, click on the Arrow. Choose Update icon Choose Softwares tab. Click on Manual Update buton Click on Supported Softwares link. Choose on the Artica Repository server […]

17-01-2016 15-37-49

16-12-2015 00-42-04

Allow SSH with LDAP members

By default, the SSH protocol is allowed only for root user. Trough Artica, you are able to create local members. Local members are stored in the local LDAP database. On the TOP menu, click on the “Member Options” icon. Select Users & System icon Turn ON the “Link the system […]

How to disable the local LDAP server ?

If you did not use local members, you can disable the local LDAP service in order to safe performance. (by default the Intel Celeron mode disable automatically this feature). On the TOP menu, click on System. On the Databases section, choose LDAP Database server option. Turn to red the Activate […]

18-11-2015 22-32-51

12-11-2015 12-04-27

Lost Manager password ( new version )

If you are unable to login to the Web console And you have installed Artica with the CD-ROM or using the Virtual appliance Enter into the Menu console. use the Root password and system tasks menu Select the Web Interface SuperAdmin account menu Give the SuperAdmin account name. Give the […]