FATAL: Bungled /etc/squid3/acls_whitelist.conf line 17: acl GlobalWhitelistDomains dstdomain

When updating your whitelist you encounter an error during Proxy parameters compilation :

ERROR: ‘.gs.apple.com’ is a subdomain of ‘gs.apple.com’
ERROR: You need to remove ‘.gs.apple.com’ from the ACL named ‘GlobalWhitelistDomains’
FATAL: Bungled /etc/squid3/acls_whitelist.conf line 17: acl GlobalWhitelistDomains dstdomain “/etc/squid3/acls_whitelist.dstdomain.conf”

This means your whitelist are in conflicts with the default whitelists added by Artica.

To make it works, go to “Your Proxy” and click on permanent authorizations


  • Turn to off default Allows options.
  • Click on Apply



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