Socks Proxy

Does Artica Proxy is sFTP compatible ?

The main proxy is only compatible FTP/HTTP/HTTPs. If you plan to use Artica Proxy in order to provide sFTP support, you need to enable the SOCKs Proxy service.   The Socks proxy service allows you to proxify any protocol such as sFTP. Many FTP softwares are SOCKs compatible. You can […]

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11-10-2015 18-33-40

Socks transparent rules

Socks transparent rules is a strong feature that allow the proxy ( act as gateway ) to catch specific destinations ports in order to transparently forward TCP connections to the Socks Proxy service. In this case, like the HTTP proxy service,  you are able to “Socksify” any  TCP port such […]

Socks Proxy rules

By default when enabling the Socks Proxy service user can be connected on any remote port trough the Socks5/Socks4 proxy service. Rules is the feature that can limit access to remote services. Click on “New rule” to create a new rule. Order: The rule order in the list ( service […]

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